Thursday, February 9, 2012

QR Code Review: Gaga's Workshop and Bal Harbour Shops

I was digging through the garbage and found a The New York Times Style Magazine from a few months ago and since I'm a very NY Style kind of dude and there were a couple of QR codes it, I figured I'd scan them to see what I'd find.

The first is for Gaga's Workshop at Barney's in NYC, which is NOT mobile-friendly. The code points to which redirects to's-Workshop/GAGA_SALE,default,sc.html.

Scan the code and go to the current sale page for what's left from the Workshop: "Visitors to the workshop will catch the first glimpse of our Gaga-inspired windows. And once you’re ready to take the plunge, you’ll walk through the giant monster-like Gaga mouth that will take over our 60th Street entrance. Upstairs, the entire 5th floor of the men’s store has been transformed into 5,500 unforgettable square feet of Gaga-dom."

How did I miss that?

It's amazing how this tribute to Gaga-dom seemed so exciting just a few months ago; yet, now just seems creepy and destined for the trash like the $157 (sale) metallic razor press-on nails.

Okay, I'll stop h8in the Gäg. After all, 25% of sales from all items in Gaga's Workshop go to the Born This Way Foundation. Which I guess is a good thing. Even if you poke your eye out with them fake nails.

Bal Harbour Shops epic FAIL.

The code for the Bal Harbour ad scans to

Notice something missing? Apparently, they couldn't afford a third W for their web address. So the code doesn't scan to a working address. Shame on you, Bal Harbour Shops.

But when you fix the address in your phone, you get a nice little (but slow) mobile page/app with fashion videos of women applying fake eyelashes and running through Vizcaya in fancy dresses in slow motion. Pretty cool. But not cool enough to repair your reputation in the QR Code Universe. SPELL CHECK.

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